OpenText Documentum eRoom

OpenText Documentum eRoom

eRoom is an on-line project collaboration, or collaborative software product from Opentext Corporation. The solution helps create efficiency in daily tasks, also allows users to seamlessly collaborate on projects, programs and processes to eliminate the gaps that put pressure on profitability and time to market.

eRoom Key Features:

Robust collaboration
Provides an enterprise repository across collaborative workspaces.

Business process support
Extends business processes across the firewall while maintaining the security of the internal repository.

Classification support
Supports the classification of collaborative content according to corporate taxonomies.

Web-based interface
Requires only an internet connection and browser, especially useful for geographically dispersed workers.

eRoom Essential Benefits:

Improves enterprise knowledge work
Leverage a virtual meeting space online to work on projects and collaborate on common initiatives.

Accelerates collaboration and group tasks
Give employees and customers a web-based space to meet, manage projects or share calendars, reports and ideas.

Give users control
Let members of the project team members run and manage online rooms without IT support.

Optimizes business processes
Leverage collaboration features integrated with Documentum to set automatic versioning on documents and store files and their associated online threaded discussions.

You can read more about OpenText Documentum eRoom here.

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Benefits of Electronic Data Interchange

Benefits of Electronic Data Interchange

Electronic Data Interchange is a standard electronic format that replaces paper-based documents such as purchase orders or invoices. By automating paper-based transactions, organizations can save time and eliminate costly errors caused by manual processing.
In EDI transactions, information moves directly from a computer application in one organization to a computer application in another. Data can be shared rapidly instead of over the hours, days or weeks required when using paper documents or other methods.

There are 5 key business benefits that EDI technology delivers:

– EDI technology saves time and money through automation of a process previously manually executed with paper documents.

– EDI solutions improve efficiency and productivity because more business documents are shared and processed in less time with greater accuracy.

– EDI data transfer reduces errors through rigid standardization, which helps to ensure information and data are correctly formatted before they enter business processes or applications.

– EDI integration improves traceability and reporting because electronic documents can be integrated with a range of IT systems to support data collection, visibility and analysis.

– EDI automation supports positive customer experiences by enabling efficient transaction execution and prompt, reliable product and service delivery.

You can read more about Electronic Data Interchange here.

You need more details about automating your business processes?

Teknita has the expert resources to support you. Contact us now to kick off your planning with a complimentary assessment with our experts. 

Secure Employee Behavior Is Equally as Important as Secure Technology

Secure Employee Behavior Is Equally as Important as Secure Technology

Considering that we use technology all day long in our personal lives and at work, it makes sense that cybercrime is on everyone’s mind. A prominent data Breach Investigation Report reported a record total of 157,525 incidents in categories that ranged from malware to hacking, social engineering breaches to ransomware. And cybercrime continues to evolve. Some of the most successful attack vectors in recent times — like phishing — target people, not technology. According to the report, phishing was the top threat vector in 2019 and was involved in 32% of confirmed breaches, and 78% of cyber-espionage incidents.

The threat landscape is more complex than ever, and it’s increasingly difficult for security teams to prevent, detect, analyze, and respond to threats. Cybercriminals have shifted their tactics from technological attacks to targeted assaults on employees by exploiting basic human behaviors. As security technology has grown more advanced, hackers look to access the weakest point in the network — most often that turns out to be human error. Security training opportunities, like this badge, are more important than ever. Since employees present the easiest target for hackers, it’s crucial that everyone learns how to protect themselves, and your company. More than ever before, every person has an impact on security regardless of their function or title.

It takes only one employee opening a phishing email to set off a chain of events that may compromise your company’s data. This means that security should be an integrated part of everyone’s job. In this module, we look at some basic behaviors that every employee can adopt to help make the company more secure.

Intruders Exploit Human Behaviors

Let’s talk about how human nature plays into cybercrime. Criminals have learned they can exploit typical human feelings, such as curiosity and the desire to please, to steal credentials and infiltrate your network. Let’s dig into some of the messaging that elicits these emotions.

Fear: “If you don’t give me the information, I will report you to your manager.”

Trust: “Your bank account has just been closed. Click here to reactivate.”

Morality: “Can you hold that office door open for me? My arm’s broken, and this package is heavy.”

Reward: “My company is considering investing in your products. Can you answer a few questions about your organization first?”

Conformity: “Bill Stevens from Finance always gives me updates about Q2 earnings, but I can’t get a hold of him. Can you help me with the report?”

Curiosity: “Wow… Check out this video of a giant snake eating a zookeeper!”

Would you like to know more about cybersecurity?

Teknita has the expert resources to support you. Contact us now to kick off your planning with a complimentary assessment with our experts. 

Microsoft’s breakthrough – Image Captioning using Azure Cognitive Services

Microsoft’s breakthrough – Image Captioning using Azure Cognitive Services

Microsoft professionals have built an artificial intelligence system that can generate captions for images that are, in many cases, more accurate than the descriptions people write.
Automatic image captioning helps all users access the important content in any image, from a photo returned as a search result to an image included in a presentation. A research breakthrough like this one can improve those results, but of course it does not mean the system will return perfect results each time.
Image captioning is especially important for people who are blind or have low vision. For example, image captioning is used in capability in the Seeing AI talking camera app designed especially for blind/having low vision people. The app uses image captioning to describe photos, including those from social media apps.

The new model is available to customers via the Azure Cognitive Services Computer Vision offering, which is part of Azure AI, enabling developers to use this capability to improve accessibility in their own services. It also is being incorporated into Seeing AI and will be rolling out in Microsoft Word and Outlook, for Windows and Mac, and PowerPoint for Windows, Mac, and web.

You can read more about Image Captioning using Azure Cognitive Services here.

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Malware Deep Scan Capability in Box Shield

Malware Deep Scan Capability in Box Shield

Box Shield – the Box’s flagship security control and intelligent threat detection solution, has capability to help customers reduce the risk of ransomware by scanning files in near real-time as they are uploaded to Box. These new capabilities, leverage deep learning technology and external threat intelligence to analyze files and stop sophisticated malware (before it causes business disruption) by adding deep learning technology that complements traditional hash-based or file-fingerprint scanning approaches that leverage known malware datasets. Customers has benefits from an additional layer of security that looks inside of individual files to identify malware and then automatically clears the file or blocks the spread of malware in near real-time. These capabilities provide customers using Box Shield with higher malware detection rates and fewer false positives.

Malware deep scan allows Box Shield to:

• Recognize malicious traits inside content in near real-time by leveraging the latest deep learning models to provide customers with broader coverage of sophisticated malware.

• Extend malware detection to active content in Box as users upload, update, download, preview, share, copy or move content to reduce the risk of malware infection by scanning both new and historical content.

• Analyze external content that is accessed by managed users to expand protection to content that is shared with an organization from an external source.

• Allow admins to occasionally override threat verdicts for low-risk content to avoid disrupting business workflows.

Box also provides enhanced alerts powered by machine learning for anomalous user behavior like suspicious downloads in Box Shield. Admins are receiving more detailed alerts with context explaining why Box Shield’s machine learning algorithm has deemed certain behaviors as risky. These improvements better equip admins in their investigation of anomalous behavior and provide granular feedback to train underlying algorithms for their company.

Auto-classification in Box Shield

In addition to helping detect and thwart potential insider threats or compromised accounts, Box Shield also uses advanced machine learning to help prevent accidental data leaks through a system of manual and automated security classifications for files, folders, and classification-based access policies. Auto-classification in Box Shield intelligently applies labels to files based on content inside, enabling customers to discover and label sensitive files at scale.

You can read more about Malware Deep Scan Capability in Box Shield here.

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