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Test Scenarios vs. Test Cases

Written by Teknita Team

September 29, 2022

A test case is a written document that gives detailed step-by-step instructions on how to perform a given test for a software feature.

A test case typically features:

  • the conditions necessary for the start of the test
  • one or more inputs, if any, for the test
  • the action that is to be performed
  • the results of the test, which may consist of outputs or changes in the conditions of the “world”

A test case resides at the tactical level. It tells the tester what they need to do and in what order, details the outcomes they should expect.

A test scenario is a more high-level description of a given concern that needs to be tested. Rather than being a step-by-step guide, test scenarios describe testing needs in very broad strokes.

Test scenarios typically live at the strategic level, which means they care about the why rather than the how. They’ll typically express the business motivation and rationale behind testing a given feature.

Test scenarios give origin to test cases. 

You’ll typically have way more test cases than test scenarios as a logical consequence. The creation of test cases is typically more labor-intensive due to the granularity of details involved. But the creation of test scenarios can oftentimes be harder since it has a degree of ambiguity and uncertainty involved and needs to connect to the business in a way that makes sense ROI-wise.

Test CaseTest Scenario
Tactical levelStrategic level
Cares about the howCares about the why
There are many per test scenario.One test scenario gives origin to many test cases.
It’s executed by a tester, QA professional, or developer.It can’t be executed but serves as higher-level guidance for decision-making.
It can be automated with the help of a code-based or codeless test automation toolIt can’t be automated because it’s not a set of steps
It can be labor-intensive to elaborate on but is objective and unambiguousCan have some degree of ambiguity

You can read more about Test Cases and Scenarios here.

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